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Let me tell you a story


Our company is a crucible of creativity. Our world-renowned group covers a wide range of specialties and skills- design, photography, painting, printmaking, product design, architecture and sculpture to name a few. But there is one talent we all share. We are masters of the art of problem solving. In that spirit, we collaborate to transform the dreams of our clients into reality.


The breadth of our creative abilities is manifested in the array of media we use to serve our clients, from photography, steel, aluminum, bronze, gold, silver, and copper, to carbon fiber, cotton rag paper, wood, acrylic, glass and beyond- to as far as the imagination can take us. And it’s taken us far: since its founding more than 23 years ago, Studio Eight has produced museum- caliber art and award-winning client solutions that have earned international recognition.


So if you think Art and Aesthetics are functional, you’ve come to the right place. At Studio Eight we live at the intersection of the artful and the practical. The beauty of art shouldn’t be limited to museums and exclusive enclaves when it could be an viable asset in you everyday life. Whether its product design or a complex installation, there’s a sublime solution waiting to meet your needs.




Our Friends, Clients, Publications, and Museums

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